Female hormonal health problems such as endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD

I am highly experienced in treating female hormonal health problems and offer personalised, individual, health care, and bespoke herbal medicines to support you and your hormones – eliminating symptoms, improving your mood, energy, and wellbeing, and bringing you to optimal health.

Women’s hormones fluctuate throughout their monthly cycles, and throughout their lives.  Hormones are often thrown out of balance by genetic tendencies, stress, poor diet, and life changes such as puberty, the birth of a child, miscarriages, peri menopause, and menopause – getting your body back on track without professional support is often really hard!

I’m treating women all the time with the following hormone related issues:

  • PMS and PMDD
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Heavy or painful periods
  • Fibroids
  • Infertility
  • Peri menopause and menopause

At your initial one hour consultation I will take a detailed medical history, including current and past health, medications and supplements, your diet, exercise habits, and lifestyle.  Gathering detailed information about all aspects of your health allows me to treat you as an individual, and work out the best possible treatment plan for you.  I will give you personalised diet and lifestyle advice which specifically meets your needs. I will make you bespoke herbal medicines to relief your symptoms, and address the underlying causes of hormone imbalance, and any other health issues you are experiencing.  The combination of herbal medicines, with the right diet and supplement programme usually leads to excellent results.

What are you waiting for?  Book your initial consultation with me today here.

Or book your free discovery call to find out more.

Start putting your health first!