Anything purchased can either be collected from my Enfield Chase clinic, EN2 or posted to you.

The following dried herbs  and powders are available:

German Chamomile flowers
Chamomile is gently relaxing for the nervous system and is suitable for people of all ages, from babies to grandads.  It is mildly bitter and aromatic and so stimulates the processes of digestion helping with common IBS symptoms like indigestion, wind and bloating.  Chamomile has anti-allergy properties and is useful for patients with eczema, asthma or other allergic conditions.
38g bag is £2.50
100g bag is £4.95

Elderflowers has anti-catarrhal and anti-viral properties.  Elderflower tea is very helpful for respiratory infections, colds and flu.  Especially where there is congestion in the nose and sinuses.  Elderflower is also a useful tea for hayfever sufferers.
 35g bag is £2.50
100g bag is £4.95

Hawthorn tops
Hawthorn leaves, berries and flowering tops all contain chemicals which support the circulation and the function of the heart.  Hawthorn is thought to help in the treatment of palpitations and hypertension. Hawthorn tea is an ideal long term treatment for anyone concerned about their heart or blood pressure health.  It is very safe and can be taken alongside medication.  Please note, hawthorn is not a substitute for medicines prescribed from your doctor and you should not stop taking prescribed medication without first talking to your health care practitioner.
40g bag £2
100g bag £3.50

Marshmallow root powder
Marshmallow root powder can be mixed with a glass of cold water and left overnight to infuse and then drunk in the morning.  Or it can taken as a hot drink or mixed with a small amount of water and taken as a paste.  Marshmallow root has demulcent qualities and puts a soothing healing coating over the lining of the digestive tract.  It may be used by patients with heartburn, indigestion, digestive ulcers as well as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative collitis.
40g bag is £2.50
115g bag is £4.95

Peppermint leaves (organic)
Peppermint leaves contain essential oils with antispasmodic qualities that help to relax and soothe the digestive system.  It is also a delicious and refreshing tea for any time of day.
35g bag is £2.75
100g bag is £4.95

Yarrow is a herb which has many medicinal uses.  It is a wound healing herb, it is good for the circulation, it is an anti-inflammatory for joint health problems, it is helpful digestive herb and helpful when patients are fighting infections.
35g bag is £2.50
100g bag is £4.95

Tea for colds and flu 
Ingredients: Elderflower, Yarrow and Organic Peppermint leaves
This is a traditional tea taken to help fight off colds and flus.  The herbs within it have anti-viral, anti-catarrhal and diaphoretic properties which help to create a more hostile environment within the body for bacteria and viruses to multiple and thrive.
35g bag is £2.50
100g bag is £4.95

Chamomile and Organic Peppermint
This is a lovely soothing combination which relaxes the mind and soothes and improves the digestion and tastes delicious!
35g bag £2.50
100g bag £4.95