A meta analysis and systemic review of the studies available on ginger and it’s effects on blood pressure showed that regular ginger consumption in the over 50’s helps to lower blood pressure. A total of six randomised clinical trials were looked at which included 345 participants.  To get a positive result the participants needed to consume 3g a day of ginger for at least eight weeks.  The researchers did say further studies are needed.

Other benefits of ginger
Ginger is already well known to have a wide range of health benefits. It is great for the circulation, especially to the hands and feet. It has anti-viral properties which make it very useful for treating colds and other viral infections. It is an expectorant. That means it helps to make mucus in the lungs less viscous and easier to cough up thus making breathing easier.

Ginger is a warming, aromatic spice which helps the digestive system to work well. It reduces wind and bloating and it has anti-spasmodic properties help with tummy aches and irritable bowel syndrome.

How best to take ginger?
The simplest way is probably to add grated or chopped ginger root or dried ginger powder to your cooking. Ginger tea is particularly helpful for digestive issues and when treating coughs and colds. Chopped or grated ginger root can be placed in a cup and boiling water added. Put a lid on the cup to retain the essential oils and allow it to cool before drinking. Once it is drinking temperature, fresh lemon juice can be added for it’s vitamin C and bioflavonoid content which will also help in tackling infections or simply giving the immune system a boost. (If you add lemon juice when the tea is too hot all the vitamin C will be destroyed.)

The studies on hypertension suggested taking 3g or more of ginger a day was effective in helping with the treatment of high blood pressure. To get this dosage it may be best to take ginger in a capsule form with water before food. Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your medication for hypertension.

Ginger is generally a very safe herb to take, however, if you are taking medicines do check with a herbalist or your GP before taking it.